www.TOpDNAnutrition.com Contact Suzy Bell FreedomHeals@gmail.com GeneWize is the network marketing division of a 12 year old biotech company called GeneLink. They have patents pending on their process of doing DNA testing with a saliva sample to determine how healthy you are at your genetic level. After analyzing your genetic profile, they formulate a unique and personalized nutritional supplement just for you. Their ingredients are 100% natural, whole food and plant based, and 80-90% organic. They have over 100 ingredients, with many that have even been found to IMPROVE and REJUVENATE DNA. DNA has been all over the news and we are undoubtedly heading away from the "one size fits all" form of nutritional supplementation. Wow! Paul Zane Pilzer, leading economist to two US presidents predicted 10 years ago that the first company to provide fully customizable nutrition according to each person's DNA will be the BIGGEST company to hit the industry...well we have arrived with GeneWize! As well as providing a once in a lifetime opportunity for entrepreneurs to create massive amounts of wealth and financial freedom. It is rare for any company to have the power to revolutionize an entire industry, let alone a network marketing company. GeneWize is THE leading pioneer in the genetic revolution that is about to unfold. For more information about GeneWize and to learn how you can profit with this incredibly lucrative trend... Call me at 352.231.3006. My business parters and I are ...

Orignal From: !DNA Customized Nutrition On Fox News!

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