DNA Art by DNAartonline.com

发贴者 kyle | 6:21:00 PM

DNA Art Online now is offering one of the best Affiliate Programs Online. Learn More by going the the site and clicking on the Affiliate Tab. Or just go to DNAartonline.com. As a molecular biologist, I found the subject of DNA Art to be interesting. DNA Art has been referred to as modern art, abstract art, and contemporary art. Essentially, it is a digitally optimized image of the electrophoresis process in which DNA fragments are separated. Let's first look at the Science behind DNA Art 99.9% of everyones DNA is identical, so that part of our genetic code is overlooked. If this was taken into consideration, the DNA Art would be identical from person-to-person. Therefore, it is the remaining 0.01% of the DNA where variation occurs that is taken into account when creating DNA Art. This part of the genome contains what is currently considered non-coding or junk DNA. The typical laboratory process in for this kind of DNA testing is as follows 1.After the laboratory receives a sample of the DNA, it is first amplified by a technique called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Since this creates millions of copies of the pieces DNA regions of interest, the lab will then have an optimal sample size to proceed in the DNA testing process. 2.Next, the DNA fragments undergo gel electrophoresis, in which they are then pulled through an agarose gel with an electric field. This charge is created by placing a positive electrode to the opposite end of the gel. DNA characteristically has a ...

Orignal From: DNA Art by DNAartonline.com

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